Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics

An affiliate of the

National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

Saturday Morning Crunch #6
by Lynn Poe, Math Consultant

Saturday, April 12, 2025

9:00-10:00 a.m. via Zoom

Do your students struggle getting started when solving a problem? Come ask for help with a blank piece of paper? End up with an answer that doesn't make sense in the context?  In this session, we will focus on building the capacity in students to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Teachers will have the opportunity to connect with peers across the region and explore resources that are classroom ready!

Registration now open!

Each site will host the grade bands of K-2, 3-5, 6-8, 9-12.

  • Poplar Bluff - July 7-8, 2025

  • Columbia - July 9-10, 2025

  • Springfield - July 14-15, 2025

  • Waynesville - July 16-17, 2025

  • St. Joseph - July 21-22, 2025

  • Bowling Green - July 23-24, 2025

2024-2025 Contests are being scheduled!

Kids are ready for in-person contests again, and so are we!    Please fill out this form if you are interested in hosting this year.

Interested in attending a contest this year?  Fill out the membership form at https://mathleague.org/membership.php and check out in-person or online options listed on the respective pages at the right.

Check out the Spring 2024 Bulletin
and its new format!

You can also access past Bulletins by logging in through Login in the menu at the top of the page and then click on Forum and Past MCTM Bulletins.

Did you miss one of the Saturday Morning Crunches?

Why Should YOU Become an MCTM Member?

FAME Grant Opportunity

MCTM annually awards up to $2000 per grant to teachers to improve mathematics instruction using research based strategies.  How could this help YOUR math teaching?

Online Access to Past Presentations/Webinars

Were you not able to attend a conference in person this year?  

Watch past Zoom webinars or presentations through the MCTM Forum on your own time with a paid membership!

Collaborate with Fantastic Educators

Whether you are a brand new teacher or one who has many years of teaching under your belt, attending the Fall Conference or the Summer Series is an incredible way to meet other math teachers, collaborate, and learn fantastic strategies for improving instruction in your classroom!

Math Reimagined Looking for Participants & Volunteers!

Shubha Gautam is a co-founder of the local teen-led 501(c)(3) Math Reimagined.  She is a senior at Rock Bridge High School in Columbia, MO, and started this program after seeing a lack of girls in math competitions in our state. 

Sign up to attend their Game Night (Oct. 21) or their Middle/High School Contest on November 18!  

This organization was founded to encourage girls and non-binary people affected by (trans)misogyny in Missouri to participate in STEM, and more specifically math contests. Currently, they offer classes on zoom for elementary school students on the basics of math not typically taught in schools. In the future, they are hoping to host math days, math camps, and other mathematical events. At the moment, they focus on creating interactive lesson plans and activities to keep students engaged. Their lesson plan structure has been created with the help of Missouri math educators, and more information about them can be found in the attached flyers and our site, www.mathreim.org

If you know someone who may be interested in participating, click below.  Spots are limited!

If you are a parent, teacher, administrator, high school student, etc. interested in helping out with our efforts, click below.  Shubha is the only instructor at the moment and over 200 students have signed up in the past, so help is needed!

MCTM History

We have a complete history of MCTM Officers for each academic year all the way back to 1905-1906, and the MCTM Award History from 2010 back to 1997. New Officers and Award Winners will be added annually.

MCTM Mission and Vision

MCTM Mission & Vision

The Mission of the Missouri Council of Teachers of Mathematics is to support all mathematics education and promote high quality instruction.

Send us your questions or comments!

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